Nine highly motivated Taekwon-Do students, ranging from 12 years old to… well, let’s just say my age, gathered for an intense, three-hour competition training session, held from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The group included students of various ranks, from yellow belts to 6th-degree black belts.

After a warm-up that truly lived up to its name—making our calves burn—we moved into the basics of Tul (patterns) and covered competition requirements. To break things up, we engaged in leg-strengthening drills and various kicking exercises across the Dojang.

We split into smaller groups to work on Special Technique and Power Breaking. This involved testing how high and far we could leap and how hard we could strike. Some students used this time to work on improving their flexibility, but the overall goal of the session was clear: pushing ourselves and improving our skills.

Students also grouped up to practice their patterns, with the black belts supervised by me, and Simona Petriello (2nd Kup) assisting the 8-7 Kups. Everyone supported and encouraged one another, creating a positive and collaborative atmosphere.

Towards the end of the session, we donned our sparring gear and focused on sparring drills. The emphasis was on defense and counterattacks from various attacking angles, preparing students for real-time combat scenarios. Each participant came away with their own unique experience, having pushed themselves further.

The feedback from the session was overwhelmingly positive, and I hope to see more of you or your children at future training sessions. Well done to everyone for your effort, dedication, and improvement in Taekwon-Do!